Capt. Scott Brown
Capt. Scott Brown not only is a devote steward of our natural resources, but a big proponent for future angler development. During the weekdays he juggles being an active duty soldier, a father to two young kids, and a husband to a wife who equally cares about mentorship and development. Together they formed Hooked on Family, a digital platform with the main goal of recruiting more parents into the outdoors. They want to educate people on the proper ways to bring kids fishing, keeping them engaged in the sport, and emphasize fishing etiquette while practicing sustainability. To Scott, being out on the water sharing his passion and educating others is exactly where he wants to be. At the end of the day, he believes that if we secure the future of our outdoors through the very young anglers of today, they will go forth into the future and be the proper custodians our fisheries need.